MEMORY MAP KS57C2308/P2308/C2316/P2316
BMOD — Basic Timer Mode Register F85H
Bit 3210
Identifier .3 .2 .1 .0
RESET Value 0000
Read/Write WWWW
Bit Addressing 1/4 444
.3 Basic Timer Restart Bit
1Restart basic timer, then clear IRQB flag, BCNT and BMOD.3 to logic zero
.2–.0 Input Clock Frequency and Signal Interrupt Interval Time Control Bits
000Input clock frequency:
Interrupt interval time (wait time):fxx/212 (1.02 kHz)
220/fxx (250 ms)
011Input clock frequency:
Interrupt interval time (wait time):fxx/29 (8.18 kHz)
217/fxx (31.3 ms)
101Input clock frequency:
Interrupt interval time (wait time):fxx/27 (32.7 kHz)
215/fxx (7.82 ms)
111Input clock frequency:
Interrupt interval time (wait time):fxx/25 (131 kHz)
213/fxx (1.95 ms)
1. When a RESET occurs, the oscillator stabilization wait time is 31.3 ms (217/fxx) at 4.19 MHz.
2.fxx is the system clock rate given a clock frequency of 4.19 MHz.