KS57C2308/P2308/C2316/P2316 SAM47 INSTRUCTION SET
This section contains binary code values and operation notation for each instruction in the SAM47 instruction set
in an easy-to-read, tabular format. It is intended to be used as a quick-reference source for programmers who are
experienced with the SAM47 instruction set. The same binary values and notation are also included in the
detailed descriptions of individual instructions later in Section 5.
If you are reading this user's manual for the first time, please just scan this very detailed information briefly. Most
of the general information you will need to write application programs can be found in the high-level summary
tables in the previous section. The following information is provided for each instruction:
Instruction name
Binary values
Operation notation
The tables in this section are arranged according to the following instruction categories:
CPU control instructions
Program control instructions
Data transfer instructions
Logic instructions
Arithmetic instructions
Bit manipulation instructions