KS57C2308/P2308/C2316/P2316 SAM47 INSTRUCTION SET
JPSJump (Short)
JPS dst
Operation: Operand Operation Summary Bytes Cycles
ADR12 Jump direct in page (12 bits) 2 2
Description: JPS causes an unconditional branch to the indicated address with the 4 K byte program memory
address space. Bits 0–11 of the program counter are replaced with the directly specified address.
The destination address for this jump is specified to the assembler by a label or by an actual
address in program memory.
Operand Binary Code Operation Notation
ADR12 1 0 0 1 a11 a10 a9 a8 PC13–12 PC13–12
a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 a0 PC11–0 ADR11–0
Example: The label “SUB” is assigned to the instruction at program memory location 00FFH. The
at location 0EABH will load the program counter with the value 00FFH. Normally, the JPS
instruction jumps to the address in the block in which the instruction is located. If the first byte of
the instruction code is located at address xFFEH or xFFFH, the instruction will jump to the next
block. If the instruction “JPS SUB” were located instead at program memory address 0FFEH or
0FFFH, the instruction “JPS SUB” would load the PC with the value 10FFH, causing a program