MEMORY MAP KS57C2308/P2308/C2316/P2316
IE4, IRQ4 — INT4 Interrupt Enable/Request Flags FB8H
IEB, IRQB — INTB Interrupt Enable/Request Flags FB8H
Bit 3210
Identifier IE4 IRQ4 IEB IRQB
RESET Value 0000
Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W
Bit Addressing 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4
IE4 INT4 Interrupt Enable Flag
0Disable interrupt requests at the INT4 pin
1Enable interrupt requests at the INT4 pin
IRQ4 INT4 Interrupt Request Flag
Generate INT4 interrupt (This bit is set and cleared automatically by hardware
when rising or falling signal edge detected at INT4 pin.)
IEB INTB Interrupt Enable Flag
0Disable INTB interrupt requests
1Enable INTB interrupt requests
IRQB INTB Interrupt Request Flag
Generate INTB interrupt (This bit is set and cleared automatically by hardware
when reference interval signal received from basic timer.)