KS57C2308/P2308/C2316/P2316 ADDRESS SPACES
++ PROGRAMMING TIP — Using the Carry Flag as a 1-Bit Accumulator
1. Set the carry flag to logic one:
SCF ;C 1
LD EA,#0C3H ;EA #0C3H
ADC EA,HL ;EA #0C3H + #0AAH + #1H, C 1
2. Logical-AND bit 3 of address 3FH with P3.3 and output the result to P4.0:
LD H,#3H ;Set the upper four bits of the address to the H register
LDB C,@H+0FH.3 ;C bit 3 of 3FH
BAND C,P3.3 ;C C AND P3.3
LDB P4.0,C ;Output result from carry flag to P4.0