The system clock mode register, SCMOD, is a 4-bit register that is used to select the CPU clock and to control
main and sub-system clock oscillation. SCMOD is mapped to the RAM address FB7H.
When main system clock is used as clock source, main system clock oscillation can be stopped by STOP
instruction or setting SCMOD.3 (not recommended).
When the clock source is subsystem clock, main system clock oscillation is stopped by setting SCMOD.3.
SCMOD.0, SCMOD2, and SCMOD.3 cannot be simultaneously modified. Sub-oscillation goes into stop mode
only by SCMOD.2. PCON which revokes stop mode cannot stop the sub-oscillation. The stop of sub-oscillation is
released only by reset.
RESET clears all SCMOD values to logic zero, selecting the main system clock (fx) as the CPU clock and
starting clock oscillation. The reset value of the SCMOD is 0.
SCMOD.3, SCMOD.2, and SCMOD.0 bits can be manipulated by 1-bit write instructions (In other words,
SCMOD.0, SCMOD.2, and SCMOD.3 cannot be modified simultaneously by a 4-bit write). Bit 1 is always logic
A subsystem clock (fxt) can be selected as the system clock by manipulating the SCMOD.3 and SCMOD.0 bit
settings. If SCMOD.3 = "0" and SCMOD.0 = "1", the subsystem clock is selected and main system clock
oscillation continues. If SCMOD.3 = "1" and SCMOD.0 = "1", fxt is selected, but main system clock oscillation
If you have selected fx as the CPU clock, setting SCMOD.3 to "1" will stop main system clock oscillation. But this
mode must not be used. To stop main system clock oscillation safely, main oscillation clock should be stopped
only by a STOP instruction in main system clock mode.
Table 6-3. System Clock Mode Register (SCMOD) Organization
SCMOD Register Bit Settings Resulting Clock Selection
SCMOD.3 SCMOD.2 SCMOD.0 fx Oscillation fxt Oscillation CPU Clock (note)
000On On fx
010On Off fx
001On On fxt
101Off On fxt
NOTE: CPU clock is selected by PCON register settings.