F-code polling memory allows one fax machine to call another fax machine and initiate reception of a document that has been scanned into the other machine's F-code polling memory box. Calling another machine and initiating reception is called F-code polling, and scanning a document into a memory box for another machine to retrieve by polling is called F-code polling memory. This function is approximately the same as normal polling explained on page 32; however, the use of the F-code polling memory box means that security is provided by means of the sub-address and passcode.

How F-code polling memory works

Your machine

The other machine



2Check sub-address and passcode




Do not

1F-code polling (transmission request) Sub-address and passcode are transmitted to your machine



3 Polling memory

Prodact Planning

box opens

4 Automatic transmission


of document data


to other machine

F-code polling is when your machine calls another machine and retrieves a document that was scanned into the polling memory box of that machine (the reverse of the above diagram).

To perform polling or polling memory without using an F-code, refer to page 32.


To create an F-code memory box for polling memory, refer to page 103.

Unlike normal polling, the other machine's fax number or system number is not programmed as a passcode for F-code polling memory. The sub-address and passcode of the polling memory box are used for polling security.

The receiving machine bears the expense (phone charges) of the transmission.