Liquid Crystal Display. Display type on the base of liquid crystals with a thin film polarized molecular structure, enclosed between two transparent electrodes.
Light Emitting Diode (for example, status display). Semiconductor diode that transforms electrical energy into light.
Lid Switch
The device is switched off by closing the display lid.
LPT1 Port
The LPT1 port (Centronics port) is a parallel interface that can be used to connect a printer.
LS240 Drive
Floppy disk drive that is capable of storing 240 MB of data on a single
Main Memory
Main memory is a RAM memory in the CPU that is accessed by the CPU during user program processing.
Memory Card
Memory Cards in credit card format. memory for user programs and parameters, for example, for programmable modules and CPs.
Micro Memory Card
New and very compact card for SIMATIC.
Memory Expansion
See Extended Memory