Place the printer in the desired location,and removeall packingmaterial from inside the top cover. This packing material is intendedto prevent damageto theprinterwhilein transit.Youwillwantto keepall thepacking material,alongwiththeprintercarton,in case youhaveto movethe printer to a new location.
Mounting the platen knob
The platenknob is packedinto a recessof the packingmaterialwhichheld your printer inside the carton. Be sure to remove the knob from the packaging.
Mountthe knobon the platen shaft,whichis on the
P1.iten hnob
Installing the ribbon cartridge and the roller unit
Removethe top coverby liftingup the front (usingthe two gripson either side),and pullingthe covertowardsyou (see Figure
NOTE: Turn off the power switchwhenyou replacethe ribboncartridge.