Thisvaluewillremainunlessyoupowerofftheprinter.If youwantto retain this value even after you turn off the power, store it using the Macro Definitionfunction,whichis describedbelow.

Notethatyoucan onlychangethisvalueimmediatelyafterloadingpaper.If you feed paper,you cannotchangethe auto loadingvalue.

Clearing the buffer/All reset

The printer stores receiveddata in a large memorybuffer. This creates a problemwhenyouwanttoabandonaprintingjob andrestart:theprintermay be holding more data in its buffer than it has actually printed, and this unprinteddatamustlx clearedoutbeforerestarting.Turningpoweroffisone way to clearthe buffer,but there is anotherway:


thebufferisclearandtherestofthisprocedureisunnecessary.Ifprinting doesnot stop,continueas follows:

2.Press the ( ON LINE ) button to set the printeroff-line.Printingwill now stop,but there may be data remainingin the buffer.

3.Press and holdthe( ONLINE ) button.

4.While pressing the ( ON LINE ) button down, press and hold the

_ button.Continueholdingthesetwobuttonsdown.In oneSeCOnd you willhear a beep tone signalingthat the bufferhas beencleared.

If you hold these buttonsmore two seconds,you will hear three beep tones signalingthat the printer has been initializedto the power-on defaultsettings.

5.Releas~thesebuttons,makeanynecessarycontrolpanelsettings,thenset the printerback on-line.

It isessentialto halttheprintingprogramonthecomputerbeforeyougo off- line. Otherwise,when you go back on-linethe computerwill start sending dataagainandtheprinterwillcontinueprinting,withmissingdatawherethe bufferwas cleared.

NOTE:If you are using the SPC-8K,Serial-ParallelConverter,reset the converterby pressingthered Clearbuttonon it beforeyouresetthe printer.


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Star Micronics LC24-200 user manual Clearing the buffer/All reset