Print hex-density 24-bit graphics
Mode ‘ASCII |
| Decimal | Hexadecimal | ||||||
Std. | <FS> | “Z” nl |
| d | 28 | 90 nl | nl | 1C | 5A n] | n2 | |
ml | d | m3 | .. | ml | d | d ... | ml | ml | m3 ... | ||
eachthreebytesrepresent24 verticaldots.In theleftmostposition, the most significantbit of ml is the top dot;the least significantbit of m1is the eighthdot from the top;the most significantbit of m2 is the ninth dot; the least significantbit of m2 is the sixteenthdot from the top; the most significantbit of m3 is the seventeenthdot fromthetop;theleastsignificantbitofm3isthebottomdot.Therest of data is similar.The numberof databytesmustbe 3 x (nl + n2 x 256). Dots beyondthe rightmargin are ignored.At the end of dot graphics printing, the printer returns automaticallyto character mode.
Select graphics mode
| Decimal | Hexadecimal |
<ESC> | “*” | nO nl | 27 42 nO nl | IB 2A nO nl |
& | ml | ml ... | n2 ml d ... | n2 ml d ... |
Selectsoneof elevengraphicsmodesdependingon the valueof nO
nO | Graphicsmode |
O | (60 dots per inch) | |
1 | (120 dots per inch) | |
2 | ||
3 | (240 dots per inch) |
32 | (60 dots per inch) | |
33 | (120 dots per inch) | |
38 | (90 dots per inch) | |
39 | (180 dots per inch) | |
40 | (360 dots per inch) |