Set horizontal tab stops
Mode | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
Both | <ESC> “D” nl d | ... <0> 27 68 nl n2 ... 0 | IB 44 nl n2 ... 00 |
Cancelsall currenthorizontaltab stops and sets new tab stops at columnsnl, n2,etc. in thecurrentcharacterpitch(picapitchif pro- portional spacing is currently selected), where nl, n2, etc. are numbersbetween 1 and 255. The maximumnumberof horizontal tab stopsallowedis 32 in Standardmodeand64 in IBMmode.The tab stops must be specifiedin ascendingordec any violationof ascendingorderterminatesthetab stoplist. Standardterminationis by the cO>controlcode.To clearall tab stops,specify<ESC>“D” <o>.
Set horizontal tab stops every n columns
Mode ASCII | Decimal |
| Hexadecimal | ||||||
Std. | <ESC> “e” “O” n | 27 101 | 48 | n | IB | 65 | 30 | n | |
<ESC> “e” <O> n | 27101 | 0 | n | IB | 65 | 00 | n | ||
Cancelsallcurrenthorizontaltab stopsandsetsnewtab stopsevery n columns,where n is between 1 and 127.
Reset,all tab stops
Mode | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
IBM | <ESC> “R” | 27 82 | IB 52 |
Resetsthe horizontaltab stopsto
Horizontal tab
Mode | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
Both | <HT> | 9 | 09 |
Movesthe printpositionto the next horizontaltab stop. Ignoredif thereisnonexthorizontaltabstopinthecurrentline.Notethatwhen underliningis selected,spacesskippedby horizontaltabulationare not underlined.