●The minimumwidthof a characteris five dots.
●Dots cannotoverlap.
●You may define any positionin the ASCII table.
Figure 5-1. Use this grid (or one similar to il) to define your own characters
Assigning the character data
Now,we calculatethe verticalnumericalvaluesof thecolumnsof dots,and enter them underneaththe grid. Each verticalcolumn (whichhas a maxi- mumof 24 dots)is first dividedinto threegroups(or two groupsfor super/ subscripts)ofeightdots.Eachgroupofeightdotsis representedbyonebyte, whichconsistsof eightbits.
Thisis wherethenumbersdowntheleftsideof the gridcomein.Noticethat there is a numberfor each row of dots and that each numberis twice the numberbelowit. By makingthesenumberspowersof two we can take any combinationof dots in a verticalcolumnand assignthcm a uniquevalue.