Thisprinterhas a fullcomplementof features,makingit an excellentpartner for a pemcmalcomputer.It supportsthe IBM/Epsonprintercommandsand charactersets, enablingit to pMt just about anythingyour computercan generate,bothtextand graphics.Someof its mainfeatms ruethe following:

Versatilepaper handling

Single sheets, fanfold forms, and multi-pm forms (up to 5-ply) rue all accepted,and you can use eitherpush@l tmctoror frictionfeed.(You can load fanfoldforms fium the rear with push tractor,or fanfoldforms and multi-pan forms fmm the bottom with pull tractor.) A special feature enablesyou to keep fanfoldforms parked in readinesswhile printingon other paper.

Six brightcolors

MageM cyan,violet,yellow,orange,and ~n add a colordimensionto your printedoutputby the color versionprinter.

Large varietyof fonts and sizes

The printerhas one draftfon~one High+eed Draftfont and fiveLQ fonts (Romm SanSerif,Courier,Pmtige and Script),italicsfor all styles,plus condensedprint, bold print, double-sizedpnn~ and quadruple-sizedprint.


Sinceit is compatiblewith the Epsonand IBM printm, it workswith any softwruethat supportsthose printem.That includesmost woti-pmcesdng and graphicsprograms,spread-sheets,and integratedsoftwarepackages.

. Easy operation

Indicatordisplaysand beep tones provideimmediate,easy to understand feedbackwhen you p~s the buttonson the controlpanel.The fivebuttons can operatein combinationsto performa suqxisingvariety of functions, including micm-alignment.

Easy care and maintenance

The ribboncartridgecan be replacedin secondsthe print head in a few minutes.

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Star Micronics LC24-200 user manual Features of the Printer