Select draft quality characters
Mode ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
Both “ ((“ “ “ “F” “)” “)” “9” 4040 7041 41 57 28 2846 29 29 39
<ESC> | “X” | “O” | 27120 | 48 | IB | 78 | 30 |
Std. | “X” | <O> | 27120 | 0 | IB | 78 | 00 |
<ESC> |
Changesfromletterqualityto draft quality.Ignoredif the (FGiTf_) button was
Select draft pica characters
Mode | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
IBM | <ESC> “I” <O> | 27 73 0 | IB 49 00 |
Changesto draftqualitycharacterswithpicapitch(10cpi).Ignored if the(R5RT)or(FiT5@buttonwas
Select draft elite characters
~ModeI | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal | 1 |
IIBM I | cESC> “I” <8> | 1 27 73 8 | I IB 49 08 | I |
Changesto draftqualitycharacterswithelitepitch(12cpi).Ignored if the (M>or @iRXi)buttonwas
Select draft condensed characters
Mode | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
IBM | <ESC> “I” <DLE> | 27 73 16 | IB 49 10 |
Changesto draft qualitycharacterswith condensedpitch (17 cpi). Ignored if the CTGNT)or (FiTCFl)button was pressed during