The followingsectionon troubleshootingandmaintenanceis intendedonly as a brief guide. Remember that your printer is a highly sophisticated electronicdevice,whichalso containshighvoltageinside.For that reason, only carry out thoseoperationsthat are describedin this chapter.
CAUTION: Anyattempttocarryoutoperationsotherthanthosedescribed heremay resultin electricshockand/ordamageto theprinter. Whencarryingoutartyrepairsor maintenance,alwaysfollow the instructionscarefully.
Yourprinter is a reliablepiece of precisionmachinery,which shouldnot causeyouanytrouble,providedthatitisusedandtreatedsensibly.However, if you do experiencea minor problem,the few tips below shouldhelp you avoidhavingto makeanunnecessaryservicecall.Thefollowingtablegives you ideas on whereto look in this sectionif you experienceproblems:
R | o f | D |
| e | e |
| s a |
| c |
P | s | P |
| n b |
| s |
| t | p | o |
P |
| T | p | d | n | p |
| s | p |
| T | p | f |
| u |
| D | a | m |
| c |
| g |
| |
| W | u | a |
| s | f |
| o |
| p |
| T | p |
| n | w | e |
| w | r |
| a p |
P | f | S | s |
| n | f | p |
| ( | A |
| C |
| p |
| d | n f | p |
| w | t | t |
| f |
| T | A | n | o |
| n | f | p | p |
| |
| P | p | ( |
| b |
| c |
| p | a | c | s | n |
| w |
| p |
| T | b | p |
| a | o | l |
| w e |
| b | l |
| P | l | a | m | s | a | n | w | e |
Remember- it is betternotto attemptoperationsor repairsaboveyourlevel of competence.Otherwise,you run the risk of damagingthe printer.