Switch A-1: Do you want to use the printer in Standard mode or IBM mode?

Selectthe modecompatiblewithyourcomputerand soflware.In Standard modethe printeroperateslike the EpsonLQ-860.In IBMmodeit operates liketheIBMProprintcrX24E.TheONpositionselectsStandardmode.The OFFpositionselectsIBM mode.

Switch A-2: Does your softwaredownloadcharactersto the printer?

In orderto downloadcharactersthisswitchmustbe in theOFFposition.The printer then uses its RAM memory for storing character patterns and providesonlya one-lineprintbuffer.If youleavethisswitchON,theprinter usesitsRAMmemoryas aninputbuffer,allowingthecomputerto senddata faster than the printerprints.

NOTE:Whcn you want to downloadcharacterswith IBM mode by the monochromeversion printer, you must install the optionalRAM cartridge(RC-32Z).Otherwise,you cannotdownloadeven if this switch is set OFF.

Switch A-3: Do you want an automaticline feed?

If you leave this switch in the ON position,a separate line-feed code is requiredfrom your computerto obtain a line feed.

If you move this switch to the OFF position,the printer performs both a carriagereturn and line feed each time it receivesa carriage-returncode.

Mostcomputersystemssend a line feedcode,or both a carriagereturnand line feed, at the cnd of each line, so this switchshouldbe left ON.

If you get doubleline spacingwhen you expectsinglespacing,or if lines overprinteach other,try changingthe settingof this switch.

Switch A-4: Are you goingto usc the automaticsheetfeeder (ASF)?

In orderto uscthe automaticsheetfeederSF-1ODQ,movethisswitchto the OFFposition.Otherwiseleave it ON.

Switch A-5: Arc you goingto print dot graphicsuni-directionally?

Whenprintingin dotgraphicsmode,theprintermayeithcrprintbidirection- ally(inalternatedirections)forspccdorin onedirectiononly(unidirectional forincreasedaccuracy).Forpracticallyallpurposes,however,bidirectional printingis sufficientlyaccurate.Inorder10printuni-directionally,movethis switchto the OFF position.


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Star Micronics LC24-200 user manual