Selectthe modecompatiblewithyourcomputerand soflware.In Standard modethe printeroperateslike the
In orderto downloadcharactersthisswitchmustbe in theOFFposition.The printer then uses its RAM memory for storing character patterns and providesonlya
NOTE:Whcn you want to downloadcharacterswith IBM mode by the monochromeversion printer, you must install the optionalRAM
If you leave this switch in the ON position,a separate
If you move this switch to the OFF position,the printer performs both a carriagereturn and line feed each time it receivesa
Mostcomputersystemssend a line feedcode,or both a carriagereturnand line feed, at the cnd of each line, so this switchshouldbe left ON.
If you get doubleline spacingwhen you expectsinglespacing,or if lines overprinteach other,try changingthe settingof this switch.
In orderto uscthe
Whenprintingin dotgraphicsmode,theprintermayeithcrprintbidirection- ally(inalternatedirections)forspccdorin onedirectiononly(unidirectional forincreasedaccuracy).Forpracticallyallpurposes,however,bidirectional printingis