Appendix D Control Panel Messages
Set Tray #
Sleep Mode
TEST finished.
TFTP download.
Toner CG Error
Tray # Load size
Tray # Load media
Warming up
Paper Tray 1, 2 is not securely attached to the printer (#: 1, 2).
The printer is operating in
A printer error has been detected. Turn the printer off, wait five seconds and then turn the printer back on. If this message appears regularly, contact your dealer or Tally Technical Services.
Printer is running initial diagnostics (##: Test Number).
Printer finished initial diagnostics.
TFTP download mode is started up.
The installed toner cartridge is not the correct type.
Paper Tray 1 or 2 does not contain the correct media size
(#: 1, 2/size: paper size).
Paper Tray 1 or 2 does not contain the correct media type
(#: 1, 2/media: media type).
Print data for the indicated user is being printed.
The printer is warming up. Printing will begin once it has finished warming up.