Command Descriptions
TLS 216 Programmer Manual 2–89
Allows the user to specify a command or a list of commands that the instrument
will execute when it receives a *TRG command or the GET GPIB interface
message. *DDT is a special alias *TRG uses.
ALIAS:DEFINE, *TRG, Get GPIB interface message
*DDT { <Block> | <QString> }
<Block> or <QString> is a complete sequence of program messages. The
messages can contain only valid arguments separated by semicolons and must
follow all rules for concatenating commands (see page 2–4). The sequence must
be 80 characters. <Block> format is always returned as a query response.
specifies that the instrument will start the acquisition system and ring the
bell each time the controller sends a *TRG command.
might return #10, indicating the instrument will take no action when it
receives *TRG.
DELEte:SETUp (No Query Form)
Removes stored setups from memory and initializes the location with the factory
default setup.
NOTE. You cannot recover setup information after deleting it.
Save and Recall
Related Commands