Command Descriptions
2–182 TLS 216 Programmer Manual
! specifies that channel <x> in reference group <z> is the waveform
source for the measurement.
NOTE. If a reference waveform is specified as a source, the waveform must have
a display type of ANALOGALL, ANALOGSEL, BUS, or TIMING.
specifies channel 1 as the measurement 2 source.
might return , indicating channel 3 of reference #1 is the current
source waveform for this measurement.
MEASUrement:MEAS<x>:SOURCE2Sets or queries the source to measure “to” when taking a delay or phase
measurement for MEAS<x>. MEAS<x> is one of the four measurements
available (named Measurement 1 through Measurement 4) where <x> specifies 1
through 4. Using this command is equivalent to setting the source in the Delay
from Selected Wfm side menu or the Phase from Selected Wfm side menu.
" # # ! #
! $
specifies that channel <x> is waveform source for the measurement.