Command Descriptions
TLS 216 Programmer Manual 2–269
AUXiliary specifies the rear panel connector labeled AUX TRIGGER INPUT as
the clock source.
designates the rear panel connector AUX TRIGGER INPUT as the clock
might return CH1 as the clock source for the delayed state trigger.
TRIGger:DELay:STATE:INPutSets or queries the logic pattern input values for all 16 channels and the
Auxiliary Trigger input.
TRIGger:DELay:STATE:INPut <NR1>,<NR1> NOTE: 1-high,0-low
<NR1> , <NR1>
<NR1> is a value from 0 to 131071. The logic pattern input values of all channels
and the Auxiliary Trigger input are set according to this value. The parameter is
interpreted as a 17-bit binary number. Bits 1 through 16 are used to set the High
or Low values of channels 1 through 16. Bit 17 is used to set the High or Low
value of the Auxiliary Trigger input. A bit value of 1 for a channel indicates
High, a bit value of zero indicates a Low. NOTE: Bit values are ignored if the
matching bit in the second parameter is zero.
<NR1> is a value from 0 to 131071. The “Don’t Care” values of all channels and
the Auxiliary Input are set according to this value. The parameter is interpreted
as a 17-bit binary number. Bits 1 through 16 are used to set the “Don’t Care”
status of channels 1 through 16. Bit 17 sets the “Don’t Care” of the Auxiliary
Input. A bit value of zero will set the Boolean value to “Don’t Care” for that
channel, regardless of the first parameter bit value. A bit value of 1 for a channel
indicates the high or low value set by the previous parameter is used.