Command Descriptions
TLS 216 Programmer Manual 2–179
%!"' ) *
(%& means the search starts at the end of the waveform and looks for the
last rising or falling edge in the waveform. The slope of the edge is specified by
the command MEASUrement:MEAS<x>:DELay:EDGE2.
%& means the search starts at the beginning of the waveform and looks for
the first rising or falling edge in the waveform. The slope of the edge is specified
by the command MEASUrement:MEAS<x>:DELay:EDGE2.
starts searching from the end of the waveform record.
might return for the search direction.
MEASUrement:MEAS<x>:DELay:EDGE1Sets or queries the slope of the edge used for the delay “from” waveform taking
a delay measurement for MEAS<x>. MEAS<x> is one of the four measurements
available (named Measurement 1 through Measurement 4), where <x> specifies
1 through 4.
Use the command MEASUrement:MEAS<X>:SOURCE1 to specify the “delay
from” edge. This command is equivalent to setting the slope in the Delay Edges
& Direction side menu. The delay direction parameter only affects measurements
of delay.
%!"')* + , -