Command Descriptions
2–114 TLS 216 Programmer Manual
displays a horizontal line in the center of the graticule for each displayed
trigger signal.
sets the display to show a long trigger bar indicator (or indicators).
might return , indicating the trigger bar is not displayed.
*ESESets and queries the bits in the Event Status Enable Register (ESER). The ESER
prevents events from being reported to the Status Byte Register (STB). For a
more detailed discussion of the use of these registers, see page 3–1.
Status and Error
is a value in the range from 0 to 255. The binary bits of the ESER are set
according to this value.
The power-on default for ESER is 0 if is 1. If is 0, the ESER
maintains its value through a power cycle.
NOTE. Setting the DESER and the ESER to the same value allows only those
codes to be entered into the Event Queue and summarized on the ESB bit (bit 5)
of the Status Byte Register. Use the DESE command to set the DESER. A
discussion of event handling begins on page 3–1.
Related Commands