Command Descriptions
2–172 TLS 216 Programmer Manual
POVershoot +100 ǒ(Maximum*Hi gh)
Amplitude Ǔ
is the distance (time) between MidRef (usually 50%) amplitude points of
a positive pulse.
is the time that it takes for the leading edge of a pulse to rise from a low
reference value to a high reference value of its final value.
is the true Root Mean Square voltage.
is the time between the last transition to a legal state for all waveforms in
a group and the clocking edge of the waveform specified as the clock. The clock
can be any channel. It does not have to be included in the measured group. Setup
measurements define “legal state” as a level either below the low reference level
or above the high reference level. These levels can be queried or set using the
MEASUREMENT:REFLEVEL commands that begin on page 2–189.
is the time between the first transition to an illegal state for all waveforms
in a group and last transition to a legal state for the same waveforms. Skew
measurements define “legal state” as a level either below the low reference level
or above the high reference level. They define an “illegal state” as a level
between the the low and high reference levels. These levels can be queried or set
using the MEASUREMENT:REFLEVEL commands that begin on page 2–189.
defines the immediate measurement to be a frequency measurement.
might return indicating the logic scope is set to take an immediate
measurement of a true root mean square voltage.
MEASUrement:IMMed:UNIts? (Query Only)Returns the units for the Immediate measurement.
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