Command Descriptions
2–218 TLS 216 Programmer Manual
! ! "
indicates the parity bit is sent with even parity and bytes received are
expected to have even parity.
indicates the parity bit is sent with odd parity and bytes received are
expected to have odd parity.
indicates that no parity bit is sent and none are expected.
sets the parity to even.
might return , indicating parity is turned off.
RS232:SOFTFlaggingSets or queries the input and output soft flagging over the RS-232 port. It stops
transmitting data any time it receives an XOFF (DC3) character. It sends an
XOFF character when its 512 byte input buffer has 80 free bytes. The logic
scope begins transmitting data again when it receives an XON (DC1) characters.
It sends XON when its input buffer is has 100 free bytes.
! ! "