Command Descriptions
2–58 TLS 216 Programmer Manual
is the side menu title and can include any of the characters shown in
the logic scope Character Chart in Appendix A. The maximum length of the title
is 1000 characters. The APPMenu:LABel:BOTTOM<x> command on page
2–56 provides information on defining menu labels.
The label area is 40 pixels high and 112 pixels wide. The length of the label that
fits in the label area depends on the contents of the label, because the width of
characters varies. The label area is about 12 characters wide and 2 lines high. For
a complete list of character widths in pixels, see Table A–1 on page A–2.
! !
displays the title “Custom Menu” on the screen.
might return ! for the current application menu title.
AUTOSet (No Query Form)Causes the logic scope to adjust its vertical, horizontal, and trigger controls to
provide a stable display of the selected group. Using this command is equivalent
to pressing the front-panel AUTOSET button. For a detailed description of the
Autoset function, see Autosetting the Logic Scope in Section 3 of the User
NOTE. The AUTOSet command does not return control to the instrument
controller until the autoset operation is complete.