6.5.5Paper End Setting for Feed Gap Sensor
Paper end setting should be performed after replacing the CPU PC board or changing the label to other maker’s one, or when a paper feed error occurs.
Power off
Turn on the power while holding down the [FEED] key and [PAUSE] key.
< 1 > D I A G N O S T I C | V 1 . O A |
Press the [FEED] key three times.
<4 > S E N S O R A D J U S T M E N T
Press the [PAUSE] key five times.
[ P E L E V E L . T ] | 4 . 8 V |
The former value is displayed. Remove any paper
from the sensor detecting area.
Press the [FEED] key and [RESTART] key
at the same time.
Holding the [FEED] key or [RESTART] key down until an asterisk ( * ) is displayed. (More than 3 seconds.)
[ P E L E V E L . T ] | 4 . 8 V * |

Indicates setting complete. Press the [PAUSE] key. (See NOTE.)
NOTE: Pressing the [PAUSE] key validates the sensor setting. The value of the sensor is displayed up to 5.0 V.