Cleaning the FusionPunch II 4-3
Cleaning the FusionPunch II
Your FusionPunch II is designed as a high-speed, inline production Punch
that requires only a minimal amount of attention from the operator. But,
because it is a production machine and because it handles and punches
paper, we recommend a light cleaning of the paper path components
periodically, to remove accumulations of paper dust, paper chips and toner.
GBC recommends the following operator maintenance practices.

When to Clean

The following is based on a printing house that operates one to three shifts a
Usage Cleaning Intervals
Heavy usage (continuous - 8 hours per shift) after each shift
Medium Usage (intermittent - 4 hours per shift) after every 2 shifts
Light usage (intermittent - 2 to 3 hours per shift) after every 3 shifts
In effect, the FusionPunch II should be cleaned after every 8 continuous
hours of operation.
Note: In a very busy shop with significant paper dust in the air, the
FusionPunch II may have to be cleaned more frequen tly - for example, after
every 6 continuous hours of operation.