ZyWALL 2 Series User’s Guide


Table 11-6 Attack Alert











Generate alert when

A detected attack automatically generates a


attack detected

log entry. Check this box to generate an alert



(as well as a log) whenever an attack is



detected. See the chapter on logs for more



information on logs and alerts.





Denial of Service Thresholds





One Minute Low

This is the rate of new half-open sessions that

80 existing half-open sessions.


causes the firewall to stop deleting half-open



sessions. The ZyWALL continues to delete



half-open sessions as necessary, until the



rate of new connection attempts drops below



this number.





One Minute High

This is the rate of new half-open sessions that

100 half-open sessions per


causes the firewall to start deleting half-open

minute. The above numbers


sessions. When the rate of new connection

cause the ZyWALL to start


attempts rises above this number, the

deleting half-open sessions when


ZyWALL deletes half-open sessions as

more than 100 session


required to accommodate new connection

establishment attempts have



been detected in the last minute,



and to stop deleting half-open



sessions when fewer than 80



session establishment attempts



have been detected in the last




Maximum Incomplete

This is the number of existing half-open

80 existing half-open sessions.


sessions that causes the firewall to stop



deleting half-open sessions. The ZyWALL



continues to delete half-open requests as



necessary, until the number of existing half-



open sessions drops below this number.





Firewall Screens
