ZyWALL 2 Series User’s Guide


Table 18-1 Configuring UPnP








Click Reset to begin configuring this screen afresh



18.4 Displaying UPnP Port Mapping

Click UPnP and then Ports to display the screen as shown next. Use this screen to view the NAT port mapping rules that UPnP creates on the ZyWALL.


Figure 18-2 UPnP Ports

The following table describes the labels in this screen.


Table 18-2 UPnP Ports







Retain UPnP port

Select this checkbox to have the ZyWALL retain UPnP created NAT port forwarding


entries (rules) even after restarting. If you use UPnP and you set a port on your


computer to be fixed for a specific service (for example FTP for file transfers), this


option allows the ZyWALL to keep a record when your computer uses UPnP to


create a NAT forwarding entry for that service.

The following read-only table displays information about the UPnP-created NAT mapping rule entries in the ZyWALL’s NAT routing table.
