ZyWALL 2 Series User’s Guide

Menu 11.5 - Remote Node Filter

Input Filter Sets: protocol filters= device filters= Output Filter Sets: protocol filters= device filters=

Call Filter Sets: protocol filters=

device filters=

Enter here to CONFIRM or ESC to CANCEL:

Figure 26-6 Menu 11.5: Remote Node Filter (PPPoE or PPTP Encapsulation)

26.5 Traffic Redirect

To configure the parameters for traffic redirect, enter 11 from the main menu to display Menu 11.1—

Remote Node Profile as shown next.

Menu 11.1 - Remote Node Profile

Rem Node Name= ChangeMe

Route= IP

Active= Yes


Encapsulation= Ethernet

Edit IP= No

Service Type= Standard

Session Options:

Service Name= N/A

Edit Filter Sets= No



My Login= N/A

Edit Traffic Redirect= Yes

My Password= N/A

Retype to Confirm= N/A


Server= N/A


Relogin Every (min)= N/A


Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:

Figure 26-7 Menu 11.1: Remote Node Profile

To configure traffic redirect properties, press [SPACE BAR] to select Yes in the Edit Traffic Redirect field and then press [ENTER].


Remote Node Setup