Other Considerations
1.Deaeration of the coolant. This can be accomplished through the use of the system deaerators in very large systems, or simply ensuring the radiator top tank or surge tank is at the highest point in the piping system. Unvented piping systems can create air pockets which reduce coolant flow and can lead to engine overheating. Baldor furnished radiators are equipped with deaerating top tanks.
2.Flexible hoses must be installed at all engine connections and to the radiator to isolate vibration and allow for thermal expansion.
3.Drain valves must be installed at the lowest point of the cooling system to facilitate system cleaning and flushing.
4.Water treatment and antifreeze must be added to system coolant. Baldor recommends 50/50 ethylene glycol and coolant treatment for all engines.
5.Thermostatically controlled engine coolant heaters are required to be installed on all standby gensets. These will increase starting reliability under cold conditions, and improve the
6.According the NFPA 110, priority level 1 equipment jacket water heaters shall maintain coolant at a minimum of 90 °F (32 °C). In outdoor installations where temperatures will be expected to drop below 32 °F (0 °C), a battery heater should be employed to keep the batteries at a minimum of 50 °F (10 °C), and will shut off at 90 °F (32 °C).
All heaters will shut off when the engine is operating. Adequate antifreeze protection will be provided and ether starting aids will not be permitted.
7.The consultant should also consider oil sump heaters if conditions warrant.
Heat Exchanger Cooling:
1.If the engine is to be heat exchanger cooled, the system will require a reliable raw cooling water source and controls to regulate water flow during genset operation.
2.The system will also need a reliable method of starting and stopping water flow automatically. The heat exchanger cooled system may be used with a cooling tower.
3.Baldor Gensets are available with heat exchangers sized and mounted on the engine by the factory. If a heat exchanger cooled system is required, specify with order.
4.Shell and tube type heat exchangers are connected such that raw cooling water flows through the tube side of the heat exchanger, and engine coolant through the shell side. Tubes are more easily cleaned and the potential for fouling is much greater on the raw water side.
5.For economic reasons, the raw water flow can be regulated by varying the flow of raw cooling water through the heat exchanger. This control can be accomplished with a temperature actuated control valve. The thermostatic bulb for this control must be in the engine jacket water discharge line. The control valve should be a fully modulated type with a minimum flow setting. NEVER attempt to regulate engine water flow.
6.Water flow regulators are used only if raw water is from a city or well water source. Do not attempt to regulate flow if a cooling tower is used. Maintain at least 2 ft/second of water flow through the tube side of the heat exchanger.
7.Heat exchanger cooled systems using city or well water, and cooling, tower heat rejection, however, will not be protected on the tube side of the heat exchanger, nor interconnecting piping and cooling tower as engine coolant is not circulated through these components. These systems must be heat traced, and have sump heaters installed to protect the various components when the genset is on standby.
It must also be noted that if an antifreeze solution is used in the shell side of the engine cooling system heat exchanger, local codes may restrict the discharge of the tube side cooling water after flowing through the heat exchanger.
MN2408 | General Information |