83 Additional options
Reverberation results
Models SE and DL
3. Select RT60 as the measurement mode from the Start screen.
Figure 6-4: Reverb Time Setup screen
4. , Please choose one of the following methods to conduc t your test:
Interrupted Method: Pump noise through room with existing sound
system or a portable sound system. Allow level to sta bilize. Then press
Run .
Impulse Method: Press Run . Impulse the room with a broad
spectrum impulsive noise (i.e., starter gun).
5. Depending on your Setup options, the Reverb Time will automatical ly
trigger and record the results.
NOTE: You may want to repeat this process a few times to ensure the
readings are accurate. Once the RT60 is captured, a paus e indicator will
appear at the top of the screen. To run another study , press the run key
again and follow step 4. Or if you do not want to co mbine all of the
run/pauses into a session, press Stop and then Proce ed with the Run key
and follow step 4.
Reverberation results
There are three viewable screen reverberatio n results which include the RT60
Summary chart, Decay Curve screen, and the Tabular Summary screen.
When the SoundPro is in pause mode, you can view t he charts and graphs by
toggling through the screens via the Enter key. If you will be running multiple
Measurement type
Select RT60 for
Reverb testing