90 Captured curves
Running captured curves
Models SE and DL
Running captured curves
Capturing a curve allows you to take a snapshot of th e current octave noise
profile. Once the captured curve is selected and applied, t he SoundPro will
automatically calculate the captured curve results with the STI-PA
1. From the Start screen, select either 1/1 octave or 1/3 octave for the
measurement type. (Repeatedly press first sof tkey.)
Figure 6-10: Selecting 1/1 or 1/3 for measurement type
2. To run a captured curve study, press Up/Down to select (or
highlight) View Session and press Enter .
3. In the View session screen, select the appropriat e meter 1 settings by
using the corresponding softkeys for response tim e, weighting and
measurement type (lookup key).
4. Press Run to start your study. Depending on if you chose sur vey
mode (see “a” below) or evaluation mode (see “b” bel ow) in the setup
screen, do one of the following:
a. Survey mode: when you are ready to capture a curve, press Altf k ey
(on keypad) and the softkey menu will expand. Repe atedly press first
softkey to assign a capture curve name (You have f our options: Cap-
1, Cap-2, Cap-3, or Cap-4). Then, to Capture, press the second
softke y.
Selecting Measurement type
Press first softkey until 1/1 or
1/3 is selected