Ref.: |
| ||
SpaceWire Router |
| UserManual | |
Issue: | 3.4 | ||
User Manual | |||
Date: | 11th July 2008 | ||
This document is a technical reference for the implementation and operation of the
Note: Detailed timing information for the ASIC implementation will be available in 1Q08.
3V3 | 3.3 volt interface levels. |
AAe | Austrian Aerospace GmbH |
ACK | Acknowledge |
AD | Applicable Document |
CLK | Clock (Input clock to the SpaceWire router) |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check |
DC | Direct Current |
ECSS | European Cooperation for Space Standarization |
EEP | Error end of packet, used to denote an error occurred during packet transfer |
EOP | End of packet used to denote a normal end of packet in SpaceWire |
FIFO | First in - First out buffer used to transfer data between logic |
FPGA | Field Programmable Gate Array |
GND | Ground |
LVDS | Low voltage differential signalling |
NACK | Negative acknowledge (error acknowledge) |
PLL | Phase Locked Loop |
RD | Read |
RMAP | Remote Memory Access Protocol |
RST | Asynchronous reset to the SpaceWire router |
SpW | SpaceWire |
TBA | To be advised |
TBC | To be confirmed |
UoD | University of Dundee |
| Preliminary | 14 |