Chapter 2: Installing the main distribution frame
If the equipment room does not have one, you must build a main distribution frame (MDF) that connects the media gateways to the building phone network and to the public switched telephone network (PSTN). The tasks include the following:
●Physical requirements and layout on page 13
●Main distribution frame hardware installation on page 17
If the installation will use a patch panel rather than a main distribution frame, use the procedures in Chapter 3: Installing the patch panel on page 29.
Physical requirements and layout
Before installing the MDF and other equipment in the equipment room, ensure that there is adequate space and there is a plan for placing the equipment.
Installation space requirements
Make sure there is adequate space for the following pieces of equipment:
●Sneak fuse panels and emergency transfer units on page 13
●Cable Slack Manager on page 14
Sneak fuse panels and emergency transfer units
You need about 8 inches (20 centimeters) of horizontal wall space for each column of sneak fuse panels. Horizontal wall space must also be provided for emergency transfer units.
110-type hardware
The trunk/auxiliary field and the distribution field are mounted on the same wall. Each
Issue 3 January 2008 13