Index 109
Shared mode 35, 66
Simple Network Management Protocol about 3
adding an SNMP user 69 configuration
see Simple Network Management Protocol
Target devices connecting to 35 connecting to the switch 15 definition of 4
Maintain mode 35 Private mode 35 Scan mode 35 selecting 36
setting a target device hotkey 36 Shared mode 35, 66
Target flag 39 Technical support 103 Terminal Applications menu
accessing 71 activating security 72
managing AMX switch objects 74 network configuration 71 setting password 72
SNMP configuration 73
SNMP processing 73
Trap 73
Troubleshooting 97
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) 7 Unit
definition of 4 User paths
add user 44
connecting to the switch 17 deleting a user 45
user access rights 46 user maintenance 43
UTP cables 4, 6
Video compensation 2 Video display
DDC table 65 Video quality
deskew tuning 64 equalization tuning 63
Video resolution
AMX 5111 and AMX 5121 user stations 81 AMX 5130 user station 80
VT100 6