68AMX Switch Series Installer/User Guide
2.From the attached serial device, send an fc ‘[TargetUserStationName]’ ‘[servername]’ command to the host user station followed by a carriage return character [0x0D]. This will force the target user station to connect to the specified target device.
From the attached serial device, send an fcc ‘[TargetUserStationName]’ ‘[servername]’ command to the host user station followed by a carriage return character [0x0D]. This will force the target user station to connect to the specified target device. In addition, the user station will send a numeric confirmation code indicating the outcome of the command. See Table 3.6 for code definitions.
To force a user station to break a connection:
1.Make sure that the serial device is configured appropriately. See Serial parameters on page 67 for more information.
2.From the attached serial device, send an fd ‘[TargetUserStationName]’ command to the host user station followed by a carriage return character [0x0D]. This will force the target user station to disconnect from the target device.
From the attached serial device, send an fdc ‘[TargetUserStationName]’ command to the host user station followed by a carriage return character [0x0D]. This will force the target user station to disconnect from the specified target device. In addition, the user station will send a numeric confirmation code indicating the outcome of the command. See Table 3.7 for
code definitions.
Confirmation codes
If you use the fcc or fdc commands, you will receive a numeric confirmation code indicating the outcome of the command. See Table 3.6 and Table 3.7 for confirmation codes and corresponding definitions.
Table 3.6: Force Connect Confirmation Codes
The command was valid. The target device was found and the user has connection rights to that target device.
Invalid syntax. The command was not entered correctly.
The specified target device was not found.
The user does not have connection rights to the specified target device.
An invalid command was entered.