Chapter 5 Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Account activation - Step 1 of 5 Account activation - Step 2 of 5 Account activation - Step 3 of 5 Account activation - Step 4 of 5 Account activation - Step 5 of 5 Secure Commit Result: Succeed
Done Configuring - Resetting the modem The activation of the account is Complete Waiting for modem to be ready to start IOTA Beginning IOTA
*Feb 6 23:29:08.459: IOTA Status Message Received. Event: IOTA Start, Result: SUCCESS
*Feb 6 23:29:08.459: Please wait till IOTA END message is received
*Feb 6 23:29:08.459: It can take up to 5 minutes
*Feb 6 23:29:27.951: OTA State = SPL unlock, Result = Success
*Feb 6 23:29:32.319: OTA State = Parameters committed to NVRAM, Result = Success
*Feb 6 23:29:40.999: Over the air provisioning complete; Result:Success
*Feb 6 23:29:41.679: IOTA Status Message Received. Event: IOTA End, Result: SUCCESS
The IOTA start and end must have “success” as the resulting output. If you receive an error message, you can run IOTA independently by using the cellular cdma activate iota command.
Your carrier may require periodic refreshes of the data profile. Use the following command to refresh the data profile:
cellular cdma activate iota
Activating with Over-the-Air Service Provisioning
To provision and activate your modem using
router # cellular 0 cdma activate otasp phone_number
Note You need to obtain the phone number for use with this command from your carrier. The standard OTASP calling number is *22899.
The following is a sample output from this command:
router# cellular 0 cdma activate otasp *22899 Beginning OTASP activation
OTASP number is *22899 819H#
OTA State = SPL unlock, Result = Success router#
OTA State = PRL downloaded, Result = Success
OTA State = Profile downloaded, Result = Success OTA State = MDN downloaded, Result = Success
OTA State = Parameters committed to NVRAM, Result = Success Over the air provisioning complete; Result:Success
| Cisco 819 Series Integrated Services Router Software Configuration Guide |
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