Chapter 10 Troubleshooting

Error Messages

Error Message Cisco Aironet 802.11a/b/g wireless adapter software update can’t proceed. Please insert the adapter in the system and try again.

Explanation You attempted to upgrade your client adapter’s software when the adapter was not inserted in your computer.

Recommended Action Click OK, insert your client adapter, and start the upgrade process again.

Error Message DHCP failure.

Explanation The domain logon failed because of a DHCP failure.

Recommended Action Try again to authenticate. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator.

Error Message During installation, you chose not to use Microsoft Wireless Configuration Manager to control your Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN Client Adapter. However, it is currently enabled for this device. Do you want to disable it?

Explanation The Microsoft Wireless Configuration Manager is enabled and can be used to control your client adapter.

Recommended Action If you want to switch control from the Microsoft Wireless Configuration

Manager to ADU, click Yes. Otherwise, click No.

Error Message Entry must be xx characters long. Please enter xx more characters.

Explanation The static WEP key that you entered on the Define Pre-Shared Keys window does not contain the correct number of characters.

Recommended Action Re-enter the static WEP key following the guidelines in the “Enabling Static WEP” section on page 5-24.

Error Message Error importing the EAP-FAST PAC file.

Explanation An error occurred while a PAC file was being imported. The operation was not completed.

Recommended Action Try again to import the PAC file. If the same message appears, obtain a new PAC file from your system administrator and import it.

Error Message Failed to initialize supplicant. This error may be due to the absence of a valid machine certificate or the incomplete configuration of profiles.

Explanation The domain logon failed because the EAP supplicant could not be initialized.

Recommended Action Verify that a valid machine certificate has been loaded onto your computer and that your client adapter’s current profile has been configured properly.


Cisco Aironet 802.11a/b/g Wireless LAN Client Adapters (CB21AG and PI21AG) Installation and Configuration Guide



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Cisco Systems CB21AG manual 10-14