[Fig. 7-9 Time Setting]
There are three formats to display the time and date as follows.
•MM / DD / YYYY: For U.S.A.
•YYYY / MM / DD: For Asian countries.
•DD / MM / YYYY: For European countries.
Click the mouse on the DATE FORMAT button to change, and then select a DATE FORMAT among YYYY/MM/DD, DD/MM/YYYY and MM/DD/YYYY.
[Fig. 7-10 Date Format button]
▫DATE Settings
Click the DATE button (month, date and year) and select the Date on the calendar by clicking the mouse. Select the month (year) by clicking the ◄ button or ► button.
[Fig. 7-11 Date Settings button]
It enables you to display the time and date on the Live screen.
Click the DISPLAY button to set display on or off.
[Fig. 7-12 Display button]
Note: Setting the new time will cause loss of recording data. After setting the time, HDD should be formatted prior to start recording.