DI-1162 Remote Access Router
The router can now be accessed via the LAN by the included Windows-based Configuration program, Telnet and SNMP management applications. For more detailed information regarding these procedures, please refer to the Connecting the Router section of this manual. For more information about the submenus, please refer to the Configuration and Management section of this manual.
Using Telnet via WAN
Preparing the router for management by telnet over WAN lines requires more initial configuring of the router via the console.
To do this, you must configure a WAN port for dial-in users. Please refer to Step 3b - Configuring the WAN Ports for Dial-in,Dial-out and Leased Lines section on page 19 of this manual.
System Timeout
When you are connected to your DI-1162 via Telnet, there is a system timeout (in the System Information sub-menu), adjustable to a maximum of 90 minutes. If you are logged onto the device and leave it inactive for this timeout period, the router will automatically disconnect you.