Radio Interface

Support: WMM will be used for any associated device that supports this feature. Devices that do not support this feature may still associate with the access point.

Required: WMM must be supported on any device trying to associated with the access point. Devices that do not support this feature will not be allowed to associate with the access point.

WMM BSS Parameters – These parameters apply to the wireless clients.

WMM AP Parameters – These parameters apply to the access point.

logCWMin (Minimum Contention Window) – The initial upper limit of the random backoff wait time before wireless medium access can be attempted. The initial wait time is a random value between zero and the CWMin value. Specify the CWMin value in the range 1‐15 microseconds. Note that the CWMin value must be equal or less than the CWMax value.

logCWMax (Maximum Contention Window) – The maximum upper limit of the random backoff wait time before wireless medium access can be attempted. The contention window is doubled after each detected collision up to the CWMax value. Specify the CWMax value in the range 1‐15 microseconds. Note that the CWMax value must be greater or equal to the CWMin value.

AIFS (Arbitration Inter‐Frame Space) – The minimum amount of wait time before the next data transmission attempt. Specify the AIFS value in the range 1‐15 microseconds.

TXOP Limit (Transmit Opportunity Limit) – The maximum time an AC transmit queue has access to the wireless medium. When an AC queue is granted a transmit opportunity, it can transmit data for a time up to the TxOpLimit. This data bursting greatly improves the efficiency for high data‐rate traffic. Specify a value in the range 0‐65535 microseconds.

Admission Control – The admission control mode for the access category. When enabled, clients are blocked from using the access category. (Default: Disabled)

Using the CLI to Configure WMM

Enter the interface wireless mode, and type wmm required for clients that want to associate with the access point. The wmm‐acknowledge‐policy command is used to enable or disable the acknowledge policy for each access category. The wmmparms command defines detailed WMM parameters.


RoamAbout 4102(if-wireless a)#wmm required

RoamAbout 4102(if-wireless a)#wmm-acknowledge-policy 0 noack

RoamAbout 4102(if-wireless a)#wmmparams ap 0 4 6 3 1 1

To view the current 802.11a radio settings for the default interface, use the

show interface wireless a command. To view the current 802.11a radio settings for a sepcific VAP interface, use the show interface wireless a <1 ‐ 7> command.

RBT4102-230.101#show interface wireless a

Wireless Interface Information




: WDS-link-a




: 48


: Enable

4-70 Advanced Configuration

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Image 106
Enterasys Networks RBT-4102 manual Using the CLI to Configure WMM, Ssid SW-WDS