Using the CLI to Upgrade Firmware
To download software from a TFTP/FTP Server, use the copy command from the Executive mode. The copy command requires you to specify either the file type and then the server type, or the server type and then the file type. You must then specify the file name, and IP address of the TFTP server. When the download is complete, you can use the dir command to check that the new file is present in the access point file system. To run the new software, use the reset board command to reboot the access point.
RoamAbout 4102#
RoamAbout 4102#copy tftp file
1.Application image
2.Config file
3.Boot block image
Select the type of download<1,2,3>: [1]:1 TFTP Source file
Firmware version of system is V1.0.16 and Updating
The software was properly copied over to the system and a reset is needed in order for the software changes to take place.
RoamAbout 4102#