4.3 | The Home Page and System View Table | 13 |
4.4 | Commiting Changes and Rebooting | 15 |
4.4.1 | Rebooting the HM210dp/di using Options | 16 |
4.5 | Quick Configuration | 18 |
5 | Basic Configuration | 21 |
5.1 | Configuring the ATM Virtual Circuit | 21 |
5.1.1 | Adding ATM VCs | 21 |
5.1.2 | Modifying ATM VCs | 23 |
5.2 | Configuring PPP Interfaces | 24 |
5.2.1 | Adding PPP Interfaces | 24 |
5.2.2 | Checking Your Connection Status | 27 |
5.2.3 | Modifying and Deleteing PPP Interfaces | 28 |
5.3 | Configuring EoA Interfaces | 29 |
5.3.1 | Adding EoA Interfaces | 29 |
5.4 | Configuring IPoA Interfaces | 33 |
5.4.1 | Adding IPoA Interfaces | 33 |
5.4.2 | Checking Your Connection Status | 35 |
5.5 | Bridging Connection Mode | 36 |
5.5.1 | Defining Bridge Interfaces | 36 |
5.5.2 | Check Your Connection Status | 37 |
5.5.3 | Deleting a Bridge Interface | 37 |
6 | Configuring IP Routes | 38 |
6.1 | Overview of IP Routes | 38 |
6.2 | Viewing the IP Routing Table | 39 |
6.3 | Adding IP Routes | 41 |
7 | Configuring DHCP | 42 |
7.1 | Overview of DHCP | 42 |
7.2 | DHCP Modes | 42 |
7.3 | Configuring DHCP Server | 43 |
7.3.1 | Creating DHCP Server Address Pools | 44 |
iv | EN/LZT 108 6492 R2 - October 2003 |