Services and Components
LDR—Local Distribution Router
The Local Distribution Router (LDR) handles content transport on the grid. Content transport encompasses many tasks including data storage, routing, and request handling. The LDR does the majority of the grid’s hard work by handling the heavy data transfer loads and the extensive data traffic functions.
The LDR handles the following tasks:
•Content storage
•Content caching
•Content transfers from another LDR
•Data storage management
•Protocol interfaces (DICOM and HTTP)
LDR Attributes
The LDR supports all the standard service attributes plus additional attributes for component state and status, and a system status entry for open file descriptors.
Table 45: LDR Service Attributes
Attribute | Type / Units | Description | C | T | Alarm | |
| |
LDR State | Enumerated | Current state of the service: |
| LDRE | |
| Text | 2 = Online |
| |
| 1 | = Standby |
| 0 | = Offline |
| |
LDR Status | Enumerated | The status of the service’s |
| LDRA | |
| Text | functionality: |
| |
| 0 | = No Errors |
| 1 | = Waiting for CMSs |
| 2 | = Shutting Down |
| |
Storage State | Enumerated | Current state of the Storage compo- |
| SSTE | |
| Text | nent of the service: |
| |
| 0 | = Offline |
| 1 | = Standby |
| 2 | = Verify |
| 3 | = Online (Read Only) |
| 4 | = Online |
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