
UTC A language-independent international abbreviation, UTC is neither English nor French. It means both “Coordinated Universal Time” and “Temps Universel Coordonné”.

UTC refers to the standard time common to every place in the world. It is derived from International Atomic Time (TAI) by the addition of a whole number of “leap seconds” to synchronize it with Universal Time (UT1). UTC is expressed using a 24-hour clock and uses the Gre- gorian calendar.

UUID Universal Unique IDentifier—A 128-bit number which is guaranteed to be unique.

version The edition of a service within the HP Medical Archive system. Contrast with “release” and “revision”.

WAN Wide Area Network—a network of interconnected computers that covers a large geographic area such as a country. Contrast with LAN.


HP Medical Archive

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HP Medical Archive Solution manual HP Medical Archive