HPMA User Guide



Recommended Action






RAID controller status; indicates the

Under certain circumstances the


status of the RAID monitoring and is not

monitoring module can become


an indicator of the status of the RAID

shut down or disconnected. Once



it is brought back up, it initializes


0 = Online

and rebuilds the array if necessary,


1 = Offline

then goes into “Online” state




The letter n in the Attribute Code is an


Check the RAID monitoring serial


indicator of which RAID, as some servers


cable at the back of the server to


are attached to multiple RAID units. The


make sure it is connected properly.


monitoring module is used to report sta-


If this problem persists for a


tistics on the RAID.


period of time, unplug the serial







cable from the back and plug it




back in.




If the RAID monitoring still does




not initialize, contact HP technical









FSG Backup result; whether the backup

If the backup reports “Failed”,



ensure there are no coincident


0 = Successful

HTTP alarms on LDR nodes and


1 = Failed

that capacity remains on some


Storage Nodes. Backups are run







automatically each day, and




retained for two weeks.





Fan State; indicates the state of the

If the fan state is anything other


internal fan for the RAID:

than “OK” (0), check the fan in the


0 = OK

unit to ensure proper operation. If


1 = Speed Low

it is functioning properly but this


alarm persists, contact HP techni-


2 = Speed High


cal support.


3 = Stopped




4 = Failed



5 = Unavailable



The letter n in the Attribute Code is an



indicator of which RAID, as some servers



are attached to multiple RAID units.







HP Medical Archive

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Image 201
HP Medical Archive Solution manual Pbst