HPMA User Guide
Table 48: LDR X HTTP Component Attributes (cont.)
Attribute | Type / Units | Description | C | T | Alarm |
Inbound | Count | Counters of all attempted, success- |
| N/A |
GETs - |
| ful, and failed GET commands to |
Attempted |
| retrieve content. |
| Counters are reset when the HTTP |
Inbound | Count |
| N/A | |
component is restarted; goes from |
| |||
GETs - |
| |
| offline to online. |
| |
Successful |
| |
| |
Inbound | Count |
| HEIG |
GETs - Failed |
Inbound | Count | Counters of all attempted, success- |
| N/A |
PUTs - |
| ful, and failed PUT commands to |
Attempted |
| store content. |
| Counters are reset when the HTTP |
Inbound | Count |
| N/A | |
component is restarted; goes from |
| |||
PUTs - |
| |
| offline to online. |
| |
Successful |
| |
| |
Inbound | Count |
| HEIP |
PUTs - Failed |
Inbound | Count | Counters of all attempted, success- |
| N/A |
POSTs - |
| ful, and failed POST commands to |
Attempted |
| query content. |
| Counters are reset when the HTTP |
Inbound | Count |
| N/A | |
component is restarted; goes from |
| |||
POSTs - |
| |
| offline to online. |
| |
Successful |
| |
| |
Inbound | Count |
| HEIT |
POSTs - |
Failed |
HP Medical Archive