Grounding the work area
To prevent static damage in the work area:
●Cover the work surface with approved
●Disconnect power and input signals before inserting and removing connectors or test equipment.
●Use fixtures made of
●Keep work area free of nonconductive materials, such as plastic assembly aids and Styrofoam.
●Use field service tools (such as cutters, screwdrivers, and vacuums) that are conductive.
Recommended ESD prevention materials and equipment
The recommended materials and equipment are:
●Antistatic tape
●Antistatic smocks, aprons, and sleeve protectors
●Conductive bins and other assembly or soldering aids
●Conductive foam
●Conductive tabletop workstations with a ground cord of one megohm ± 10% resistance
●Field service kits
●Static awareness labels
●Wrist straps and footwear straps providing one megohm ± 10% resistance
●Conductive plastic bags
●Conductive plastic tubes
●Conductive tote boxes
●Opaque shielding bags
●Transparent metallized shielding bags
●Transparent shielding tubes
Replacing components | ENWW |